Life on A Beach!
— Quietude in Multitude!
Multitude of Sea Waves always Galore
On the brink of mesmerizing seashore
Some emerging from quietude of depths
Others quietly receding back into depths
As the emerging wave gains momentum
Receding wave humbly makes itself mum
Its the gap between the two that roars
Like a lion launching itself on its preys
As waves breach shore with deafening noise
Life celebrates itself with its signature poise
Its a spectacular grandeur to rave for sure
For some lost in watching the sky so azure
As Sun rises above a quiet ocean majestically
Kissing waters with Golden Sunshine brilliantly
People enjoy riding on waves rising ashore
Plunging into ecstacy as they hit the shore
Some happy Souls collect seashells on shore
While some are busy making castles ashore
Kids playing games ashore steal the thunder
Elders watch all fun as the Sun rises in wonder
People make so much merry in ways multitude
As the Sea celebrates it’s day in serene solitude!